Thursday, May 5, 2022



  Hey children! Teacher owl is back here with another phenomenal lesson! Today, we will be learning about nouns! So, what are nouns? For starters, nouns are people, places, animals and things! Let me show you an example:

   Actually, there are also common nouns and proper nouns! Common nouns are nouns that name a group of people, while proper nouns are used to refer to a specific item or person.

Let's take a look at some examples of proper nouns and common nouns:

  Teacher Owl has a special noun exercise for you! So grab a piece of paper and take look at the text below before filling in the blanks with nouns. There will be helping words provided!

           Julia  Apple  Toy  Chocolate

     1.         was eating an apple while playing with her 2.                     . Julia's father came back soon with her favorite 3.                        .

      Bye children! I hope you have learnt a lot in this lesson with me! Bye!😼



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